ACCORD 2011 Climate Change & Conflict Expert Seminar: 14 Jennifer Mohamed (Part 2)

The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) held a two day expert seminar on 15 & 16 September 2011, to identify issues and recommendations for ensuring that adaptation to climate change is conflict-sensitive. Policy makers, practitioners and scientists presented new research on the linkages between climate change and conflict in Africa, and analysed various tools, policies and approaches to ensure the prevention of conflicts arising from climate change but also from adaptation efforts. Highlights of the seminar are presented here in a series of video clips.

This episode: PANEL IV: Lessons, Approaches and considerations for conflict-sensitive climate adaptation
Facilitator: Janani Vivekananda, Climate Change and Conflict Adviser, International Alert.

Incorporating human rights perspectives strengthens conflict-sensitive adaptation. What is effective adaptation; adaptation governance can be a conflict driver; adaptation governance to enhance security. Human Rights provides leverage for conflict resolution and prevention by: encouraging future perspectives; ensuring greater equity and fairness; better integration of adaptation; Social learning; and access to justice.